Magnepan announces the 20.7

Jacob Heilbrunn has a first look on The Absolute Sound's site.

"But here’s the skinny: no other speaker at this price will offer even remotely similar lifelike performance, and it should—no, will—scare the bejeezus out of most of its competitors. It’s no accident that Audio Research, which I also got to visit, has 3.7 loudspeakers as part of its reference system. So go ahead. Search for another loudspeaker. But I can only wish you good luck. I defy you to find one at up to five times the cost with the scale and realism of the 20.7."
I do not bi amp my 20.1's. I do biwire them, however. I just am powering them with Cary 500MB amps and that seems a sufficient amount of power (1000 watts into 4 ohm load). Really enjoy the music--listen primarily to classical and jazz. Great soundstage. Have the extreme low end supported by a REL B1 but only at lowest half octave or so.
If the 20.7 series is not bi-ampable and if your current 20.1's are bi-amped then it seems a little hard to compare. You can't compare bi-amped speakers with single amped speakers - on the other hand if your 20.1's are already bi-amped that's what you have to comare.
I bet no one will make such a comparison.
Because of that review, a friend just got some MMG's for his HT. He's going to try them in the 2ch room and if they're successful, he'll order the 3.7's and sell his big Usher's.
Will be interesting to see how other reviewers feel about these. I have a pair of 201's and love them. Will be interesting to see if the new models are really noticeably better than the old ones. Problem with selling my 20.1s is shipping them unless I could find a buyer in the Atlanta area....Hmmmmm..............
You're right, latest word is that they have both the series crossover and a quasi-ribbon bass panel.
the 20.7 must designate that similar technology is used throughout these models now.
"Are they (magnepan) simply going to 'skip' 20.2->.6?"

Either that, or they have a lot of failed models littering the workshop floor. :-)
I prefer to believe that my ARC VT200 is totally inadequate to drive the 20.7s! (:
The 20.1 is no more inefficient than the 3.6, so I wouldn't worry about amplification. If people put bigger amps on it it's likely because it *can* play louder, not because it needs them to produce the same SPL as the 3.6. Also, as someone pointed out in another thread, the 20.x's are only 5" wider than the 3.x's, there's more of a difference in height.
After 9 months of ownership I think the 3.7s are very good, but as well stated above, an evolutionary step beyond the 3.6, and no more. I would be very surprised indeed if the 20.7 could not be bi-ampable at its price point. The amplification and space requirements leave the 20.7 off my list. I believe the TAS over hype actually does a disservice to Magnepan.
Very interesting. Very, very interesting. Hmm. Now, where did that sack of cash go?
Elizabeth, if I can fit Tympanis, you can fit 20.7's! In fact, I doubt you'd even score a diagnosis of "insane," once the doctors got a look at my place . . .
Stringreen, just to clarify, that "gushing" was a quote from Jacob Helibrunn's review. Since I haven't heard the 20.7, I can't say anything about its sound!

Perhaps if you listed the system you heard the 3.7s in, it would give context to your comment.


I know where you're coming from, I've seen your system listed, and I do admire it.

Now that Magnepan is going the same route as Wilson, ie:
one set of binding posts, it will require larger amps or larger monoblocs for sound quality & woofer control.
The biamp/biwireable 3.6, 3.5s etc., allowed for more amplifier options...
TeaJay...I agree with you... Josh 358 seems to be gushing too much. I love Maggies, ... there are things they do very, very well, and things that other speakers do better.
You are not the first person to feel the 3.7's were not "significantly" better than the 3.6's. My take is different. I had the opportunity to buy 3.6 demos at half the price of the 3.7's and said "no thanks." For me the 3.7's were clearly substantially better than the 3.6's, very clearly worth an additional 3K, and yes, head and shoulders above the 3.6's.
I can't comment on the 3.6's biamped with an external crossover having never heard them set up this way. Urging caution about accepting exuberant "hype" from reviewers serves a purpose, if it gives people second thoughts about buying speakers unheard. The same caution is in order with respect to your judgement, which is stated as fact, not opinion. I accept and respect your opinion on what you heard, but I and others have clearly formed a very different opinion. I bought based on what I heard over almost a year of careful auditioning. Not because of hype.
I have nothing but respect for Magnepan who makes great speakers for very fair prices. I have been a MG-20 owner for close to 20 years and still find my bi-amped and Myestand pair to compete with virtually any speaker on the market.

However the hype about the new .7 series speakers, not by Magnepan, but by the high end reviewers is starting to get a little absurd. The 1.7's and the 3.7's are not transformational steps above the 1.6's or 3.6's but evolutions on this generation of speakers.

I have heard both generations of speakers and the new .7 series does not "kill" the .6 speakers, they are different, but not necessarly significantly better. For a matter of fact the 1.6's and 3.6's allowed the user the option to bi-amp either speaker. The new 1.7 and 3.7 does not allow this option anymore, it is not clear if the new 20.7 will or will not have this option. I have never heard either 1.6's, 3.6's, 20's, or 20.1's ever sound their best when they were not bi-amped and had to use the rather poor passive X-over that comes with the speaker.

At least three individuals that I know wanted to upgrade from their bi-amped 3.6's to 3.7's and found the performance of the 3.6's bi-amped compared to the 3.7's with their passive x-overs, chose not to make the move because they thought the performance of the 3.6's bi-amped was still better then the 3.7's.

They are all great speakers and bargains for what they cost, however if I was in the market right now and could get either a pair of 3.6's or 20.1's for what they are being sold for and then Myestand and bi-amp them I would have one of the best performing speakers for a very reasonable price.

So I want to be clear the 1.7's, 3.7's, and new 20.7's are terrific speakers and well worth the money, but not "heads and shoulders" over the last generation of Magnepans as the always looking to create a buzz highend reviewers would have you think.
Well, this is just great. I just took delivery of my new 3.7's 2 weeks ago, now I have the upgrade bug before my 3.7's are even close to being broken in. My only piece of mind is knowing if I went with the new 20.7, I'd have to upgrade my house. The 20.7's aren't going to fit in any room I have. It is really nice seeing some American companies excelling in value.
thanks for the heads up!

interesting read

I think it is impressive that Magnepan has kept the pace like it has for over thirty years.
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