Mad Scientist Audio Speaker Cable

I had another discussion going about either to go with Nordost or Audioquest speaker cable but I came across Mad Scientists Audio Ultra Magic Speaker cable. Steve Huff compared it to Nordost Valhalla 2 and found they are equal to them with lot less money. Has anyone  bought these and what does the audiophile community think about these cables?


They seem to have a small customer base here in the US, but the feedback from users is consistently very positive from what I’ve seen. 

I was pleased with my interactions with the company and with its products - excellent bang for buck

I’ve heard of them and read some very positive reviews, but I have not tried any of their cables.

I’m not ontop of the state of the art in cabling. What is the fraction of companies with good reputations vs those with lesser reputations?


What I’m wondering is how often someone tests a cable, doesn’t like it, and reports this, compared to when they /do/ like a cable.