Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter CD and Blu Ray tray treatment?

This is a set of adhesive-backed thin plastic pieces that one attaches to one’s transport or player disc tray. The disk rests on them during non-spin mode, but presumably don’t touch the applied thin pieces during playback mode. The company says the new Dark Matter pieces reduces background scattered light from reaching the photodetector, thereby improving performance. 

Anyone tried this product? Please specify transport or player if you have and your impressions. 

Showing 3 responses by millercarbon

What, he asked of Audiogon's reigning physicist, is a "Quantum well"?
Dark matter. The Olive Garden size word salad that is Machina Dynamica is full of misnomers like this one. Dark matter was coined by astronomers to mean the mass they knew had to be there but could not be seen. It wasn't radiating, like a star. It wasn't occluding, like a nebula. Its important to understand dark matter doesn't even refer to matter per se. It refers to what cannot be observed but is inferred to be there. 

This is just one of many misnomers plastered all over Machina Dynamica. There are space alien abductees that make more sense than this. Not all of them. But some.

The only really interesting question is: Which Ethan Winer is right? 

This Ethan Winer?
Geoff is totally serious. He's a total goof ball. Go to the Stereophile forum and you'll see what he's like in person. Hint: It's not pretty.
Or this Ethan Winer?
It's not serious, that's why I said it's a joke. I know the guy and he's a regular at several hi-fi type forums I visit. He got so sick of seeing BS audio products being sold to the gullible that he created these bogus products as a joke. But you have to admit he got the tone of the wording down pretty well! 

Longest running act since Cat's? Or the cat is cuckoo? 
Machina Dynamica is the creation of Audiogon's reigning theoretical physicist, (codenamed) geoffkait. Do a web search and you will find the most interesting things. His website provides a lifetime supply of word salad. 

Go to this web page and you will find this comment: 
 I know the guy and he's a regular at several hi-fi type forums I visit. He got so sick of seeing BS audio products being sold to the gullible that he created these bogus products as a joke.

We report. You decide. DYODD.