Mac 2200 pre amp problems-quirks------

mac pre amp problems have been in
these units for some time, does anyone
know if the company has address'd or
inprove these problems,,or input on
your issues?????
This is a great unit with no issues. It sounds great,
Smooth detailed and relaxed. There are so many inputs and outputs. The Headphone amp and mini jack do not sound that great. I use an outboard Musical Fidelity v-3 or Grado for State of the art Headphone sound.

This unit is a steal at the current used pricing

From what I have read Mac has addressed the headphone issue in the 2300 and added the LED lighting feature. But the Price difference of $ 1,000.00 plus right now is not worth it in my opinion.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

I would highly reccomend this unit and I plan to keep mine with the matching Mac tuner for a long time. Unless I hit lotto or go insane and then I might try an ARC Reference 3