Luxman PD-171 turntable

This is the new-ish turntable by Luxman. Has anyone heard one or own one? Is it any good? Thanks.
IMO what could hold this well built turntable back is the tonearm. From what i've read it's very similiar to a Jelco 750, not the type of arm I would want on a $6k deck. Luxman should consider an armless model, my hunch is sales would increase.
This is IMO, what a TT should look like. I lust after it for it's looks, but would have to hear it. I am no expert, but doesn't Jelco make arms for other larger companies. There is another pretty expensive German table that uses it, but the name escapes me. It's the table Axiss Audio imports. Dark Star is the model.
Yes, Jelco makes arms for other companies! And I do believe it's the 750 on the PD-171. But, what's wrong with the 750? it looks like a pretty solid and well engineered tonearm. Anyway, the armless model is cool, but the question is, will the US dist. bring it over here (the US.)
This is a throwback to the 1970s when you could get similar technology from Thorens or Dual. I myself would pocket the 6,700 dollars and look for a classic. I just bought a Dual at an estate sale for 100 dollars, restored it top to bottom for 90, and put on a quality MM cartridge from Audio Technica.
Listened to the Luxman, on their 38 tubed amp, and it sounded about the same. A very quiet and reserved sound, yet my Dual has better grip on the bass notes to mid-range.