Luxman D-10X Follow up

Over a year ago I sought advice here about CD players.  I ordered a Luxman D-10X as a result of the conversations.  It took a year to arrive.  Chips.  Slow ocean transport.  The world today.  Anyway, as promised I am reporting back.  It required a long break in.  At first it sounded a bit sharpish I think is the best way to put it.  200-300 hours later it has a very pleasant sound on all formats.  No surprise on SACD, DSD, and MQA, but the real bonus is that it really works quite well with PCM too.  That is a real plus for me because I listen mostly to jazz and a lot of the things I want are not available on vinyl, or the vinyl is old, out of print, in lousy condition, or absurdly expensive.  I am not inclined to pay several hundred dollars for an old mono Blue Note, sight unseen, coming from Japan, when the same recording can be had on a CD for just a few dollars.  With this D-10X the sound is acceptable.  So, I am happy.  It was worth the wait.  Thanks for all who offered advice.


Showing 1 response by greginnh

Congrats on the D-10X.  It is a great spinner.  I have owned mine for about a year.  Much different sound compared to the D-08u.