Loudspeakers played LOUD

I listen half the time to really loud music. I chose the Dunlavy V for this reason. They are very accurate and can handle high volume. Are there any better?
ATC is unrivalled in my experience in terms of its dynamics and raw power that they can cleanly convey at absurdly loud levels. The heart of the speaker is their large dome midrange that itself weighs more than many bookshelf speakers. Listen to anything from the SCM50s on up and you'll have a thrill...like nothing else I've heard for putting the dynamics of a live performance in a room. Find a dealer and hold on tight.

Another speaker with impressively clean and powerful dynamics is the Talon Khorus(the new "X" version). While it doesn't quite pack the wallop of the ATC midrange it comes close and has a more extended high end along with some of the tightest bass you'll hear anywhere. It is also about the quickest speaker I've ever heard.

If you're interested in dynamics find a dealer and listen to these, if for nothing else just to have for reference if you haven't already heard them.

Ehider, buying a speaker like that was once upon a time possible. Then Hales Design Group went under. Their Revelation 3 (and to a large degree the Revelation 2) fit the "loud and refined, at a realistic price, from one speaker manufacturer" description well. Admittedly, it could use a hair more refinement, but considering the retail price point (>$2,200) they're *very* smooth and adequate volume is never an issue.

To improve the "refinement factor" I've considered swapping the metal tweeter for silk. The stock unit is a Vifa, so it shouldn't be hard to match. Maybe when I grow tired of the current configuration. Or is that if...?
You are correct in your assesment about Legacy speakers. When it comes to loud, very few speakers can touch these at their same price point, especially if you buy them used. Unfortuntely, Legacys are no where near as refined, or as transparent, as the Dunlavys, etc. Legacys are a no brainer if you want a taste of high end, with "loud" included, if you are on a budget. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get loud and refined, at a realistic price, from one speaker manufacturer?
Let me add to Snook2 comments : accurate means both 'tonal' and phase correct. If acaustic bass or drum is located at certain location (left to right and depth), V's reproduce it accurately. In other words very flat to 20hz in room.
The V's have room shaking tight and accurate bass. The IV's were a bit thin in that area. I've read where the Legacy line excels at high levels. Any thoughts?
How are the Dunlavy V's on bass? I've seen various comments that Dunlavy speakers are limited in low bass. Comments?
All of the speakers from Talon excel at playing distortion free at ridiculously loud levels. Give 'em a listen.

Not to be a wet towel here, but I would just caution that regular exposure to sounds above about 90 dB or so can lead to irreparable hearing damage. When setting the volume "reasonable" is a better goal than "realistic." Enjoy.
I spent a few hours comparing the Salons directly to the SC-V. They are a very viable alternative but with different trade-offs. If you primarily listen to rock pop etcI think that most listeners would prefer the Salons. For classical or Jazz I think the Dunlavy V's are better. The Salons have a zippyness and a slight hard edge that I found grating on loud classical music.
Back to the original question (but don't let me change the current subject if you choose to continue), I would respectfully suggest the Revel Salons. I had the chance to listen to Dunlavy SCIVa (albeit not the Vs) in one room, then the Revel Studios in another (Adelphi in Singapore). My personal preference was the Studios. Then had the chance to hear the Salons, with a few people in the room that chose to increase the volume to my limit. The Salons were simply impressive. Hard to tell in the course of an hour what the long term impression would be, but short term was stunning.
There can be possible gains in clarity from monoblocks if the first 20% of the amps output comes from true class A bias. This is the case with the Melos. Since you have an L shaped room, I think you would get more improvement from careful room treatment. If your primary source is digital I strongly recommend you try a Tact or Sigtech. I own a Sigtech and use minimal ASC room treatment. The improvement in sound stage and imaging is astonishing. Look on the digital forums, there has been a lot of recent discussions. If you want I can post the references.
P1s1, thx for your input. You addressed the loudness point of perspective, which makes sense, rather not to have another CA-400, since in my room , at near field listening I rarely listened to beyond 100 db(clean sounding at that), where sound stage depth and imaging suffers. Although some of the demage is caused , no doubt, by my average size L -shaped room,adding Comfortable head room by going monoblocks and tripling of maxpower, is there any gain to be had in soundstage and imaging ? Sorry snook2 to use your forum to solve my problem. This is the last question, I promise.
to Nil. Maybe but it depends on what you mean by loud. I use custom modified Melos 400 watt Monoblocks driving my Dunlavy V's in about an 8000 cubic foot room. At 103 average dbSPL in the room the average measured power draw is around 20 watts (Rite of Spring). The 400 watt amps give me a solid 12 db of headroom and their peak capabilities gives me almost 20db. Driving the V's at maximum rated music power of 250 watts should give you a volume of around 114dbSPL. At these levels you are probably listening to Metal and probably only neet 6 db of headroom. The caveat: If you really listen at those volumes you run a serious risk of frying the tweater if your amp clips, an additional amp would make that less likely. You would get an additional 3 db of headroom for sure and maybe more depending on the amps clipping characteristics. But at 114 dbSPL for an hour or two a day your hearing will be damaged enough so that you might be better off trading in the V's for some Klipsch horns.
While the Dunlavys are no slouch, they don't compare, at least in respect to volume capabilities, to the larger ATC (200 or 300 model) powered speakers. They're designed for pro studio use and are highly accurate.
Snook2, I have dunlavy V's too, and VERY happy with them. There is always VI's that probably could play louder, but , Mr Dunlavy's own admission( I talked to him on phone few times), not necessarily more accurate (ACTUALLY LESS) than the V'S.
Otheres could be The big Montana;s , Pipedreames, and bigger Avalons and Grand Utopia's. Other than the Avalon's( forgot the model name) have not heard rest.

Now my question: What you fellow Dunlavys think of my idea: I have one Classe CA-400 driving the V's, with 800w/channel max power ( at 4ohms). Would I gain a whole lot if I add another CA-400 resulting in 2400 w/channel? I have one available at audiogon at a great price. Appreciate your reply
I likewise own the Dunlavy V(s) and have been very pleased. In 25 years of following this hobby I have not found there equal, and 'yes' they can play loud without any noticeable strain. I might also mention the benefit of listening to them at various points from the back and side walls, in that when at there optimum placement are capable of simulating a multi-channel environment with just two channels.