Looking to power my Rega R9's

Hi Everyone - I'm currently powering my R9's with a Yamaha RX-V673 receiver and I'm looking to upgrade to a new receiver that can take them to the next level.  The main reason I'd like to stick with a receiver is for surround sound listening (music and movies) with my Oppo BDP-103.  I also have a Rega RS-Vox for a center channel and a pair of Rega RS-1's for the rears.  

I've been eyeing the Yamaha 3070 receiver...will it do the trick?  

Thank you,
@ethos123 - No worries at all!  I really appreciate all the guidance you and everyone else provided.  I think I may try a Yamaha 3070 from Amazon - If it doesn't do the trick I'll simply return it and then look for a used receiver that has pre-outs and grab a 2-channel amp for the R9's.  

Thanks again!
@gloco I have a suggestion: if you can't afford an Osiris, how about a used Rega Elicit-R?
I don't know the specs of the R9, but the Elicit R puts out 105 watts into 8ohm, 127 watts into 6, 162 into 4.
Unfortunately, it does not have HD bypass, but I heartily agree: go for a good 2-channel amp.
There's an Elicit-R for sale at The Music Room for $1700. I can vouch for it: it used to be my amp. I traded it in at TMR for a preamp.
My old Elicit-R was put in storage when I went into separates; I want it to go to a good home. It was pampered in a smoke-free, kid-free, pet-free home. If I had room, I'd still have it.
No, I'm in no way affiliated with TMR; just want my amp to get the use it deserves.
That's my plug.
But, there are many good 2-channel options out there. Look for those.

My bad, the user manual for your receiver is shared by the RX-V773 and I mistakenly looked at the diagram for that model instead and thought yours had pre-out RCA connections. Unfortunately, the "Audio Out" RCA connections on your model are for connecting recording devices only and not for a setup like I recommended. Very sorry for my mistake.

The 3070 will definitely be a step up. Whether it'll be a big enough step to justify the price, only you can decide... but worth a shot if you buy from somewhere with a decent return policy. Another nice thing about trying it is that since the 3070 definitely does have pre-outs, you can add on an integrated amp down the road if you find yourself craving more and as budget allows instead of being at the end of the road with it. 

Apologize again for steering you down the wrong road.
@ethos123 - Thanks again!  I have a quick question regarding my Yamaha receiver.  It doesn't have a pre-out.  A pre-out isn't necessary in this situation, correct?  Would I simply run audio RCA out to HTB/Theater bypass rca in?

Then run the R9's exclusively with the integrated amp (let's say  Parasound Halo Integrated) exclusively for stereo digital & vinyl playback?  When I want surround sound, I have both boxes (receiver and integrated) powered on?  Just trying to get a grasp on the logistics of how this all works.  

Thank you again!

@yogiboy  - My concern is the Yamaha 3070 will not provide enough power to the R9's.  I'd rather just get the 3070 and call it a day, but I'm concerned that the R9's need a little more power.  I wish someone had the R9's and a 3070.

The more I've looked into it, the more I realize only a few integrated amps have BOTH the home theatre bypass AND the trigger input features I mentioned (Marantz does in your price range but only a handful of others)...worst case scenario without the trigger input is you're turning on one extra box (probably via remote and maybe from the same universal), so don't let the trigger input be your make or break feature. Missing out on a home theater bypass setting is a bigger headache for this type of combo setup because you have to figure out a reference volume for the IA and change the volume on both devices when you switch sources. That list I posted earlier isn't all-inclusive (I know the Nuprime IDA-16 has HT bypass and isn't on the list), but it will give you more than enough good options to consider and a decent, if not comprehensive, reference if you find something you're interested in but aren't sure if it has HT bypass buried somewhere in it's menu options.

Good luck and happy listening!
@ethos123 - Thank you so much!  I will definitely check the url out.  This is a solid direction for me to check out (thumbs up)

You don’t need to get something nearly as expensive as a Rega Osiris to better the sound quality you have now. A solid integrated amp with a home theatre bypass option will serve you well. For $1500 new there are several good ones you could try and a world of options if you’re willing to try used. Peachtree Nova150 would be one option new but there many others. Just be sure whatever you choose has a Home Theatre Bypass option to make things easy. Here’s a list:

Connect any stereo (2-channel) sources to only the integrated amp inputs and leave the home theatre receiver off when you’re listening to stereo sources.

For surround sound...or connectivity options you don’t have with the new integrated amp but are built into the receiver..., connect the audio out RCA outputs from your current receiver to whichever input is set as the home theatre bypass on the new integrated amp and your integrated amp will serve as a power amp for the front R&L speakers for any sources connected to the receiver (presumably TV & DVD/Blu-ray mostly but maybe Bluetooth, or streaming audio too depending on what you get). You can set most integrated amps to turn on automatically when you turn on the receiver using the trigger inputs/outputs (I’m pretty sure your receiver has a trigger output, but best to check).

This benefits you for a couple reasons... the obvious one is that the pre-amp section of an integrated amp is usually much better for stereo than the pre-amp section of a receiver...but that only helps with the 2-channel sources. The less obvious reason is that with surround sound, you off-load the receiver’s usually weaker power supply since it will only be driving the center and surround speakers instead of all of them...most receivers have way less power as they are required to drive more speakers so this effectively increases your power reserve and offers more dynamics for what remains even if the published specs aren’t necessarily better for the IA than for the receiver. 

Also, be sure to re-run the Room Correction setup through the AVR once you’ve got the new gear in place.
Post removed 
Contact this guy to float a balloon on an OSIRIS 

Bob Tater at Target HiFi in Bradenton FLA 

Target Hifi
6640 Butlers Crest Drive
Bradenton, FL 34203
Phone: (941) 753-4887

Man ...... you stole the R9s for $1500!!!!

Bravo!! ... good call! Well done indeed!!

IF properly driven (emphasis added) by a high-end source and high-end amp , the R9s are serious contenders and no pretenders to the current successor model RS10s in my experiences

NOTE: the OSIRIS can be had for a LOT less for a used/ demo instead of MSRP

(1) eg ; recent ad in March on AGON at $4100


(2) https://www.hifishark.com/search?q=REGA+Osiris

Happy hunting
@akg_ca - My wife will kill me if I try to purchase the OSIRIS - it goes for 10 grand.  I purchased the R9's used for just under $1500 on US Audio Mart.  I'll keep on the look out for a solid pre-amp as my receiver has a pre out.  My budget is probably set to $1500.

Thanks for your input though - it has me looking at Rega gear and I reached out to sound organisation.
I have the R9’s along with the RVOX cc , R3s and RIs in my "A" system and the RX1s in my "B" system, so I know the REGA brand well

if you really want to take the R9s to a new level , replace the receiver (any receiver...) with a top-shelf 2-channel integrated amp for 2-channel audio with a direct pass-through for HT use along with a standalone AVR processor/preamp and separate power amps for HT.


i had the very top CAMBRIDGE 7.1 AVR and CAMRIDGE Bluray player strictly for HT ... an expensive AV unibox and standalone BDP.... it was "okay" But ...... it had its frustrating limitations.

So I went to separates as the key to break through that ethereal performance limiter / damper .
= now I have a 2-channel audio / 7.1 HT system as follows:

-- the REGA OSIRIS integrated amp and REGA ISIS Valve cdp paired to the R9s with an all-NORDOST FREY array loom for 2-channel. The OSIRIS has the necessary direct pass-through to drive the R9s for 7.1 HT

-ARCAM Bluray player strictly for HT

- NuForce AV18 preamp/ 7.1 processor for HT (it is the eventual disposable as the CODECS change )

- a pair of same model AUDIO REFINEMENT power amps: a 2 channel and 3 channel power amps to drive the Rears and RVOX / R1 surrounds respectively. AR also has it as one 5-channel model FWIW.

-VANDERSTEEN subwoofer strictly for HT

in brief:

NOW (emphasis added) the REGA R9s were unlocked now and they finally performed at their maximum .... a whole big step up from anything the AV receiver could ever muster up .... not even close.... full stop.

Your takeaway:

(1) AVR alternative: Stick with the YAMAHA , its good enough. it’s a yeoman performer independent of pricepoint. Even if you step up to the near $3000 price strata in AVRs like I did, you are not going to get even close to audio OZ with any AVR when compared to separates.

The unibox is built to its pricepoint with significant audio performance compromises and warts predicating speaker yeoman performance.

(2) COMPONENT SEPARATES : I’ve highlighted my hands-on experience above.

The audio performance for both 2-channel and 7.1 HT speaker audio performance improvement ( including inter alia clarity / dynamics/ slam / soundstaging ) was stark and. dramatic ...Not even close.


(1)!If are looking for another AVR as the silver bullet or the Holy Grail to a new audio nirvana for your R9s , don’t bother...it just ain’t there in my hands on trials and tribulations.

(2) it gets distilled down to dollars .... full stop .... We all have budgets for sure.

= You now have a Hobson’s Choice facing you going forward

Best of luck