Looking to buy an inexpensive home entertainment center or shelves for gear, CD and LPs


I quickly scanned A'gon old postings for suggestions on buying inexpensive home entertainment center furniture or even shelves.  Used is fine.  I have a 60 inch wide screen HDTV, stereo electronics (mostly tube), CDs and LPs. My existing set-up is a "hodge-podge" of IKEA stands and a long table.  Most of my CDs and LPs are stacked up in piles.

Not looking to drop a lot of bucks.  My stereo is in my man-cave basement and I do not need to go top drawer for furniture.  Since, as mentioned, my electronics are all tube, I need open shelves for ventilation. 

Any suggestions??


You want cheap? Concrete blocks and planks of wood. Never stack records on top of each other. 
For vinyl storage the Sefour RS 300 is tough to beat for around $200. Albums rest on sturdy metal rods(no cave in worries) and can hold 80-100 albums per(4x) shelf. The unit looks decent enough even in a high end set up
Take a look @ Wayfair...


Recently purchased patio umbrellas from them and the transaction went fine.

You might also check out overstock.com.

Another option is checking out garage sales.  The older style HT cabinets were big bucks and well made  but are too small for the bigger screens.   You might find a smaller one for all your equipment and pick up something else for the big screen.   Food for thought.....