thanks for the ideas. Local company suggesting Rogue Audio. Possibly Metis/perseus preamp with Atlas Amp both at the magnum level (ie larger power supply). THoughts about Rogue for my first entry into separates
Looking for some ideas
I am looking to move to a dedicated 2 channel system for music to take advantage of a recent move that resulted in me upgrading my Mains from Khorns to Audio Physics Caldera II (3 distinct box). I have long used Marantz SR9300 AV reciever which performed well with my Klipschorns, and Klipsch KG5.5s as the surrounds. However, they Khorns dont fit my current room so hence the speaker change. I have already seen the Calderas need something different and many have suggested a dedicated 2 channel preamp and Amp separates vs a integrated preamp/amp. I have about 4000 to invest. I was looking at tubes for my Khorns and auditioned quicksilver and Jolida tube amps but not sure the Caldera will perform well with tubes but again i am looking for some ideas to start.
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