Congratulations on such an exciting gift. I have read a lot of positive comments on the Rogue amplifiers on these forums. Finally, the curiosity got the best of me to try one of these out when a good deal was found on the Apollo Dark monos.
I was a long time user of the CAT JL-3 mono amps. These throw out a lot of heat. And with the huge number of tubes, they are costly to maintain every few years. I have heard nothing in my system, tube or SS, that comes even close. But finally, I found a SS amp, the Symphonic Line (SL) Kraft 300 amp that is truly impressive. The SL product line is quite special. It does so many things beautifully, but the CAT amps are in a different ballpark, in dynamics, clarity and openness. The CATs are not tubey-sounding amps. I’m sure these 20 year old amps still hold their own against all the latest ARC, CJ, etc., of today.
I have been running the SL Kraft for about a year with great success and only two issues: 1) the SL amp sounds horrible until a long warmup, many hours to a day, and keeping it on all the time gets pricey! ; 2) I miss the "magic" that comes with a tube amp. Enter the Rogue amps.
After living with the Apollos for two weeks, I can share some setup details. Mine came with TungSol KT-90s. They came with Amperex 12ax7, and unknown 12au7’s. A number of years ago I spend a lot of tube rolling to find the coveted triplet (12ax7, 12au7, 6922) for the CAT amps. Replacing the Amperex with the 5751 (I can’t see the brand on the glass) I had used on the CAT was significant; there was a bite in the upper mids/lower trebles that was gone thanks to the 5751. The sound was good but I had one more test - replace the 12au7 pairs with my all-time favorite here - the RCA 12BH7. Every time I have used this tube in 12au7 sockets for DAC, Line Stage, amps, it always reigns supreme and it did not let me down here either. The mids were much more smooth with greater decays. After an hour or so, I was so impressed for the value of these amps. They locked onto the SoundLab A1s incredibly well. I use the 8-ohm terminals as I always have when I had a choice.
With all the success, I had/have some issues that I did not have with the SL Kraft or the CATs. With the Apollos, I suddenly had a ground-loop hum. I have three circuits in the room, one each (different phases) for when I use the cat amps, and the third for the rest of the system. I never had hum issues with this. Using the SL amp’s both power cords into a circuit on the opposite phase of the system never caused a problem. But this same setup caused hum out of the right speaker with the Apollos. I changed to my backup power cords and the problem was gone. Back to the first cords and the hum was back. I fussed with cable routing, cable lifters, etc. Finally I threw in a cheater plug and the problem was resolved. But I don’t like to have to do this. So you might need to be extra careful with cable layout, cables crossing/touching, circuits, phases, etc.
With the Apollos, I have more tube noise vs. with the SL amp, but once the music starts, you can’t hear it. And I tried the Triode mode. This was quite disappointing as I expected an even more lush sound, but it was too mellow and the strong bass foundation much diminished. So you can play with that switch as well to see what mode works for you.
I am back to a fully tubed system. And I have to say that I love it. Enjoy the 180s.