I am trying to find a Hammond transformer with a single plate to push-pull 2a3 grids......Don't tell me to call Hammond, I have called every Hammond from Canada to New York and most of the Hammond people are out to lunch......They really have good jobs, because somebody pays them to go to lunch instead of answer questions........Will
I have taken the transformer apart and it looks like a Magnequest.....In side is written in ink....5K@20ma to push-pull grids.............

Sometimes..a transformer will fail at the internal solder junctions. so magnequest it is ...and... how’s the impedance measurements at the solder junctions for the wire lead-outs? It’s the ’last chance’ test for a transformer, generally speaking...
Of course, we don't know if it is a failure you are dealing with or a desire for more transformers of the same. If you called in with a Magnequest part number at a Hammond corp help line, well, that might explain it...but I think you figured out that aspect already....
Sorry Houston you didn't get the memo.
If the power goes out when it's cold drain the pipes.
You might try these guys:http://www.tubedeforce.com/index.htm
They do all manner of repair of tube amps and for a great price. They also work with http://www.finaleaudio.com/ who happen to sell amps with Hammond transformers, among other brands.

Good luck and,
All the best,
I've never seen it that cold in Moody or McGregor. My Aunt has lived there for 94 years. Coldest she can remember.

4 degrees. We all call through the day, buddy that's cold, for folks that aren't use to it.. Snow everywhere.. Livestock??

Hammond Transformer, I typed it in on EBay..


Lots of luck..

@teo_audio, stop it right now. Sitting at home in Houston, no power, no water and busted pipes with severe damage to home and that is the first time I have smiled since Monday morning. Enjoy yhe music
I have taken the transformer apart and it looks like a Magnequest.....In side is written in ink....5K@20ma to push-pull grids.............
Have you tried calling Hammond?

(You were all thinking it, but I actually did it...)

Or you could ease off on the hammond coffee overdosing and switch to a decaffeinated Plitron.