Looking for a great front ported bookshelp speaker recommendation

Hi everyone,

After about a 15 year hiatus from hifi, I'm looking to get back into it. I'm looking for a front ported bookshelf speaker. The reason is that it's going to go inside a cabinet and right against a back wall. My budget is up to $5,000 but the less, the better:) Any advice or guidance would be appreciated.



I have very good experience with Harbeth SHL5 plus, acording to your description, I would suggest you to try polk audio back ported. I have a pair discountinued RTI A1, hang on the wall and right behind a hanged tv, very short space to the left and right, wall to the left and fire place to the right. But they still sound amazing.

This bookshelf comes with a guided port with a hanging hold, and seems polk audiohave some special research and design on the guided port. Chek out their website to see if you can find anyone meet your require


And the link below to see their guided port tech


You didn’t state the interior dimensions of your cabinet. Just be sure to get the dimensions of any prospective front ported or non-ported bookshelf speakers to ensure they will fit inside your cabinet. Obviously, think about setting them on some rubber feet (at least) if not something better to isolate them from the cabinet. And if possible, keep the front baffle a bit outside of the cabinet so the edges of the cabinet don't cause acoustic diffraction. As others have suggested, in such a large room, eventually getting them on proper stands will improve everything an order of magnitude and let you position the tweeters at ear height.

I have same setup. I tried Mirages. Good. Guru's better. Linn Sara Isobarik, good as well. But the best I found and still use are Audio Note K. I have them horizontal on iso puck minis.