Looking for a CD / SACD player. Also, tell me about Esoteric

Budget is $10k.

I want something that plays SACDs as well as redbook.

Must have US service available.

I mention Esoteric as they appear to be one of the few still pushing the envelope as well as supporting SACD in this price range.


I own the folling Oppo BDP 83 - old but sound great

Oppo BDP 105D Plays everything but 4K Blue Ray Movies -Sound and looks amazing.

A Sony 1000 ES player - Also great sounding

Also A Sony 9000ES for you vintage Guy

But the most interesting on is the Alesis Masterlink ML 9600 High Difination Master Disk recorder - - It has a built in hard drive recorder and a CD Disk burner - so you can make copys of a friend cd that you would like to have.

And finaly the surprise of them all the lowly Gemini CSMP 1500 cs player that has a pitch control and cues the cd to the start of siginal - It sound remarkably good - I would say crazy good for the lowly price of 219.00 brand new on Amazon

I also owned a 4 box DCS cd system - the happiest day of my audio life was when I got it and even better when I sold it -GO FIGURE. After listening to all kinds of esoteric players - I decided to pay more than 2K for a SACD pllayer is insane.


"A CD is a spinner and a laser so what does a 12k Esoteric do that a $1,200 Marantz doesn't."


Do some reading on the VRDS system Teac developed. Tech and Esoteric are the same company FYI. 

also for those that question Esoteric servicing they are an upscaled division of Teac. 

Just to be clear on what higher end players can do, I have owned three ModWright modified palyers:  Sony 999es, Sony 5400 and the Marantz SA 8005.  They were  better with each update.  However, the Esoteric K-03XD beats every one of them as well it should.