
My sound system is down for repairs (I don’t know for how long). I’m now reduced to listening to music on Alexa’s transmission of WQXR, New York’s classical music station, in LoFi. Surprisingly, I’m getting into the music more easily. Without the distraction of sonic values, I’m able to totally concentrate on the music itself. I don’t need Hifi and soundstaging to “get” the musical message. it brings me back to my youth when I listened on a table radio and first fell in love with music. I find that I now can follow a piece of music from beginning to end more easily.

Not that I’m ready to give up the hobby. Just an interesting observation.



Your lucky your not distracted or seduced by the sheer physical sound of your system.

Try working in a vacant unheated building with water dripping everywhere from the failed roof and I can assure you that a bluetooth tailgate speaker sounds pretty great :)

My first decent system some 50 years ago was from Radio Shack. I enjoyed it immensely until I heard a Magneplanar/Audio Research system at a stereo shop. I enjoyed that immensely till I heard ... you get the idea. Going back to the basics is not a bad idea. I think now I'm to the point where I can accept just about any system for what it is. Nevertheless, when I have the time to do some focused listening the big system has no substitutes. 

The music just seems to hold together in my mind better without the distraction of the SQ which I have poured so much of my energy, time and money into. 
I’m not ready to give it up though.  It’s too much fun.

Hmmm a hobby about sound where the sound actually getting better is a problem sounds like quite a problem! Human nature I guess.