Lloyd Walker's Next Shocker

This week I had the chance to hear a prototype of Walker Audio's newest audio tweak, and I must say that I went from skeptical to startled in about 10 seconds upon hearing it.

FWIW, I am not the kind of guy who buys into teleportation hocus pocus, etc. I'm not a shill for any company or dealer, and although I've been active here for many years, I've rarely posted about any commercially available(or soon to be) tweaks.

As to not get Lloyd angry, I won't give away the details, but just say that for around $50, this will make an improvement in sonics for many vinyl lovers equal to a component upgrade or two! It will take 3 seconds for anyone to install, and will last many years, without refills/recharges/etc.

He says he is still finalizing the design, and will produce it sometime in the next month or two. Perhaps if Lloyd, Fred, or else someone else in the know reads here, they will chime in.
There...now I feel totally cleansed. Cheers,
Post removed 
@lewm I follow the formula outlined in this article by @Rushton using the Triton X-100 option in lieu of Tergitol. 
The audiogon thread details the post-ultrasonic rinsing platform that I made to accomodate the vacuuming of the rinses. Pics on my system pg.
Sbank, What do you use as a cleaning solution in your ultrasonic cleaner, pure water or something else?  Thanks.

For me, the major advantage of an ultrasonic cleaner would be the capacity to do several LPs at once and on both sides at once.  I think my VPI HW17 does a great job, but I usually haven't the time or patience to use it as much as I should, because of the tedious nature of the process.

@pryso The Walker delrin tube had a very narrow opening that resulted in such a concentration of suction that it dried the LP during the first revolution. It took more off the record and did it quicker. That was the benefit. OTOH, the danger of letting it spin dry for a second revolution and the VPI's nature for the tube not to lift until after a delay when you flip the off switch caused potential record damage. That killed the Walker tube for most users and they developed something else to replace it.

IMHO, all you guys will be far better served by pursuing ultrasonic cleaners. I find it significantly more effective at a comparable cost. Both are too damn noisy though unless you spend big bucks on an Audiodesk. Cheers,
Thanks- I have the Zerostat gun, the blue one. No real static problems, but notice when I would vacuum too long, it would create that static. That's why I keep it to 3 revolutions for drying. I will have to try 2 revolutions. Honestly, being such a creature of habit, I've always done the 3. (-: Thanks for the tips... It's a great machine.
Original (plexiglas) VPI tube:

I've owned two VPI 16.5 machines.  Once the suction tube was adjusted properly I've not had any issues with vacuuming.

First, be certain the tube is installed so that the slot opening ends just at the lead in on an LP.  Certainly it should not extend beyond that but should cover the entire grooved area.

Second, when viewed from the outside end the slot should be positioned at 185 degrees on the 360 face.  That provides optimum suction per VPI.

When vacuuming I note the place on the edge of the label for reference when I engage the vacuum.  After two revolutions I shut off the vacuum and the tube will remain in contact with the LP for nearly one more revolution before lifting up.  At that point the record will be completely dry so all I need do is blot up any droplets from the label area if present.

I fail to see how any replacement for the stock tube could do better than that.

If your having problems with static use a Zerostat, Mapleshade Antistat or a D'Stat

The delrin tube has only been in use for(2) months now. Perhaps the new velvet strips are responsible. But my observation is that the delrin tube sits flatter on the record. I only use the old tube and housing to vacuum the enzyme fluid that is now use. The new delrin tube and housing is used only for vacuuming RO rinse water that has no suffacant added.
the old tube takes 2 - 2 1/4 turns to remove the enzyme fluid. The delrin tube takes 1 3/4 - 2 turns to remove the RO water w/o suffacant.

- new velvet strips
- delrin is stiffer and sits flatter
- achieved better tube angle (by luck)
- slot is thinner ( just a guess )
- delrin tube is a bit longer

I have never had any real issue with my 16.5 or really having to vacuum more than (2) turns in 26yrs.
nkonor- Could you please clarify.... Not sure what you meant in the last sentence. Is it just that the Delrin vacuums it up quicker, and more efficiently. My Plexiglass one does the job in 3 revolutions, and I like to stop there, so it doesn’t get that static charge thing going on (-: Cheers -Don
I now use the VPI delrin tube to give my records a final rinse after a wash with an enzyme fluid and then a cleaning with the Audiodesk. The delrin tube vacuums the RO rinse water w/o suffacant better than the plexiglass tube.
It was the Vortex delrin replacement tube for the VPI record cleaning machines. It did a much better job than the original at removing dirt and fluids from LPs. Results were visibly and audibly obvious. As a longtime 16.5 owner I was excited at the time I got it. However, the suction was concentrated on a very small area and the concentration of suction caused potential damage to LPs. After a few users ruined an LP or two, it was discontinued, and later changed to something similar but supposed to be safer. 
Since this was posted in 2008 I've switched to ultrasonic cleaning which I feel is a much better way to get the job done. See Rushton's thread for all the details if you are interested. Cheers,
Hey Spencer, we use Walker HDL and a Talismen, some of Loyds tweeks are great! 

We did compare the older Reference HDL to a set of Bybee Speaker bullets at 4 times the price and they were better. 

Loyd has some interesting ideas and does make some great products. 


Yeah, LOL, I guess I am a tease.

Not my place to say much more at this time, unfortunately.

How dare you take a cheap shot at teleportation tweaks! i suppose the earth isn't flat either? heathen!