If your not opposed to shipping, contact Rick at Audioalternative.com.
He set up LP12’s for people around the country, and although I can’t attest to his quality of work vs others, I can say that he is extremely detailed and knowledgeable.
Linn Sondek LP12 setup/tuneup service anywhere between Philly and Northern Florida?
I have an older LP12 turntable that needs setup and a good going-over. I am about to make a trip south from the Philadelphia area to St Augustine/Jacksonville FL and then across to Panama Beach. Does anyone know of a specialist somewhere along that general route that is well versed in LP12’s that I might try? A two-for would be if they also happen to do vintage audio repair, as I have an Audio Reseach SP6B preamp that needs looking at. (On a side note, anyone using a Goldring E3 on your LP12, and if so what are your thoughts?) Thanks.