Linn Sondek LP12 setup/tuneup service anywhere between Philly and Northern Florida?

I have an older LP12 turntable that needs setup and a good going-over. I am about to make a trip south from the Philadelphia area to St Augustine/Jacksonville FL and then across to Panama Beach. Does anyone know of a specialist somewhere along that general route that is well versed in LP12’s that I might try? A two-for would be if they also happen to do vintage audio repair, as I have an Audio Reseach SP6B preamp that needs looking at. (On a side note, anyone using a Goldring E3 on your LP12, and if so what are your thoughts?) Thanks.


If your not opposed to shipping, contact Rick at

He set up LP12’s for people around the country, and although I can’t attest to his quality of work vs others, I can say that he is extremely detailed and knowledgeable.