Back on 2022. I stupidly got back in the Vinyl Rabbit Hole. I got a good deal from Music Direct on a MoFi StudioDeck/MoFi StudioPhono/Ortofon Quintet Black. The standard MoFi was included but they installed the Ortofon for me shipped the MoFo Cart in the Ortofon box. I loved it! Dead quiet phono pre with proper MC loading for $350 ! The Table is built well and I loved the Delron Platter.
The Phono pre within 3 months was replaced with the PS Audio Stellar Phono pre after a friend bought his over and I later found one used on USA Audio Mart.
Then a member of our AZAVCLub 8 months later told me he has a full Linn Package for sale which was just given a full checkup by an autrhorized Linn Dealer here in Phoenix.
Fxxxxck !!! He only wanted $2k for....get this.....Linn LP12/Ekos Arm/Lingo P.S/Benz Micro Wood Bodied MC Cart. And he took a payment plan from me and entrusted me take it off of his hands ASAP.
So I had the MoFi checked out by an authorized MoFi Dealer here in Phoenix and reinstall the MoFi Cart. for me. Then I sold the Deck at a loss of course.
I’ve always wanted a full blown Linn Deck since seeing the ads and reviews in Audio Magazine in the 1980’s/1990’s (Stereophool and The Absolute Ass weren’t on my radar until many years later).
The Kicker is no difference to my "Digital Man" ears. Ok the Benz is warmer (Woodier sounding
) than the Ortofonn Quintet Black (yeah I do my own Cart swaps - easy peasey).
But the Linn looks cool and that’s what counts to me. I’ve always been a technology 1st, sound 2nd person. And if it looks sharp or "Vintage". So be it.
Like my 1968 resto modded Bose 901’s with miniDSP shoved inside the old EQ case. These are iconic pieces of Audio Gear.
Hate Them of Love them....They’ve stood the test of time !