What's a "Machined Radikal"?
As a Jewish person who often plays the game "Jew, not a Jew" with one of my close friends, I can say that I had no idea at all that Ivor might be Jewish, if that is what you are implying, Davey. I never thought about it one way or the other. Yet I am no fan of the LP12. I think it is a reach to connect LP12 criticism with anti-semitism. There's enough of the real thing going around already.
Davey, What sort of racism is that? Anti-Tiefenbrun-ism? I would have thought he was British or Scottish, but the name suggests possibly German originally. Perhaps you would like to correct that sentence or else explain it better.
GHD, Linn make tube gear too? Who knew? I’ve owned a Leica M3 all my life, it seems. I doubt Linn has a corner on every phase of the reproduction chain. Good, probably.
If I were a lawyer or a judge, I would have to side with mylogic. His statement, accurately quoted by cleeds, does not stipulate that if you own a Linn 12 you ought not to comment on a Linn LP12. He is trying to say that whether you own a Linn LP12 or not, you are free to comment on it. Perhaps the moniker "mylogic" is a bit provocative.
Re the $9K Linn plinth: seems to me an enterprising Linnie could have a new plinth made out of Panzerholz or generically similar dense material for much less than say $3K. Probably that would be worth the cost if the interior architecture was properly done to avoid hollow cavities.
I strongly doubt anyone who stepped up for the 50 year LP12 will be financially devastated even if the resale value goes to zero. Relax, guys.
New ones probably sold out at that bargain price, especially since I think they’re limited production (maybe 50 units?).
I’m guessing the $9K plinth is taken from the 50th anniversary LP12, the one for sale at $54K here on Audiogon. Reportedly it’s made from a densified wood, a la Panzerholz. I’m guessing Linn has decided to make that new plinth available to owners of lower level LP12s, as an upgrade. Since the 50th anniversary unit for sale here seems to be “pre-owned”, I wonder what is or was the cost when new.
Was gonna say “thrown out of a window”. Then I thought “defenestrated” is easier to type on my cell phone.
What can break in any turntable that hasn’t been defenestrated by an angry owner? Only the motor and any related electronics to control the motor. Basically they are all very simple devices.
So “to look good is better than to sound good”. But how does that make you a technology firster? It doesn’t seem that your LP12 is near to a full upgrade, if that’s what you mean by “full blown”..
Yourlogic, No, you didn’t mislead me. I thought someone was commenting on the looks of the LP12. Apparently not.
i have no idea what Mark200 is trying to say, on the other hand, except maybe he owns an LP12.
If the center speaker is not operating when you’re listening to vinyl, then obviously no problem.
The “look” of the LP12 is pretty generic for mid-1970s. Neither beautiful nor ugly by those standards. Look at Ariston or Thorens from the same era for comparison. Modern “inexpensive” turntables often mimic that look. Modern turntables in the same price class as a full up to date LP12 (which I understand to be upwards of $20K) will be more sleek and attractive maybe because manufacturers now realize the importance of bling but also because they’re adding structural rigidity and etc that was not built in to the 1970s LP12.
Did you say you have a center channel speaker on a shelf above the one where you plan to put a TT? Not good.
Still a chance to settle down with a Technics 1200G, GAE, G2, or whatever you can find with a G in it, first or second hand.
I think their label is “Linn Selekt”. I’ve got at least two of their LPs, and they’re sonically spectacular, but I don’t see how this bears on the OP’s quandary.
Let’s see. With what “higher frequency” did you bang on your AR? Most likely the frequency was 1Hz. A footfall is also 1Hz. So why shouldn’t the same suspension that filters out one one also filter out the other? What’s with F=ma? It’s true and always valid, but what did you have in mind? If you want to describe the force developed in a spring, don’t we want Hooke’s law, F= -kx? I’m assuming a well tuned spring suspension already. But of course a spring suspension needs to be damped; maybe that’s how a problem with footfalls might arise… if the disturbance sets the suspension into oscillation that is not damped.
Tomic , I was merely responding to posts by LP12 owners who mentioned it is susceptible to foot falls. To my way of thinking, that should be the last problem one might expect with a suspended TT. Which is why I asked. I am not the one claiming that footfalls are a problem; I’ve never owned an LP12, though my first real TT was an ARXA, back in the 70s.
Back in their day, I too saw the advert claiming you could whack the plinth of the ARXA with a hammer without disturbing the sound from an LP in play. Which is in part why I posed my question about the LP12 suspension. SOTA use an inverted symmetrical spring suspension, and Mijostyn claims it is very impervious to external disturbances. This being a benefit of the inverted springs.
I am not an LP12 basher, but what does the spring suspension do, if the table is still sensitive to footfalls? I mean, why bother with the elaborate setup?