Going back to my earlier post (and all the memories of the LP12 from the 80s) l have read your comments on the Ittok.
l remember the introduction of the Ittok in relation to the turntable and recall it was surpassed by a new rival design. Apparently a small company in Edinburgh called Syrinx developed the PU2, a low mass arm that had caught the hi-fi worlds attention….well in the UK anyway.
The less expensive Syrinx PU2 was out performing the Ittok in side by side tests in listening rooms. The arm garnered the name, The ‘’Ittok Killer’’ quite by chance and keeps that legend alive today.
l have heard lots of LP12 turntables (some friends still have them) and some sounding fantastic and others not worth the money. In the 80’s lots of Linn owners adopted this killer. The King was apparently dead…..Long live the King!
Anyone else remember non Linn arms that sounded better than the arms Linn were peddling?
It’s a well known adage that one company can’t be the best at everything! Like your hi-if system as a whole, don’t let yourself be unduly constrained by one brand.
Thats my logic!