Let's ID Speakers with 1st order Crossover design.

Can you name a few names (speakers) with 1st crossover design? I'd like to give them a try.
Some of the fullrange single driver design would also on the look out. Best
Green Mountain Audio (located in Colorado Springs, CO). He usually demos his speakers at RMAF in a joint room with Audio Magic & Marigo Audio Labs.
Excellent speakers & great person to interact with (from my personal experience)....
I'm pretty sure that the Sonus Faber Extrema has a first order design, although as a brand I don't know what SF is doing now.
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Audio Machina
Audio Physics*(1 model?)
Thiel (CS 3 and beyond)
While in the speaker/electronics repair business; I saw quite a number of cheap(read, "junk") speaker systems, pass through my shoppe. Without exception: they all were crossed over with one cap on the mids(when applicable), and one cap on the tweets(6db/oct, 1st Order crossovers). Then to; they were(invariably) the least expensive aluminum and paper caps available. Ditto, for every console or portable stereo that I've ever seen or worked on. While the 6db/oct slope offers the least, in terms of phase shift in a x-over; that's not the system designer's goal, in the vast majority of cases(cheap, being the rule). The exceptions to this(of course) are the higher end designers, that utilize a cap costing(perhaps) fifty times the price of all the components in the other's entire system. KUDOS, to those. Leonardo de Vinci is supposed to have said, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication", and Albert Einstein stated "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." Were either into speaker design; they would probably use a 6db/oct slope, or a single driver system.
Many companies are using 1st order crossovers but are the speakers timed aligned?
Fried speakers were historically first order. Not only that, but they employed a series topology that, despite its simplicity, is over the head of most in this industry. Among their myriad advantages, one interesting trait about series crossover is they are not limited to 6 db/octave slopes in the way the products mentioned above are.

Mass-fi speakers use first order crossovers as well. Forget about any desire for purist sonics (I happen to believe are the best with first order crossover), all they really want to do is to protect the tweeter from burning up, doing so as cheaply as possible.
Haven't thought about them in a while, but this post reminded me I've been impressed by Gershman Acoustics at shows (I'm thinking of the Avant Garde in particular) and I think at least some of their models use first-order crossovers and might actually be time-aligned too. I haven't heard them in years and I could be wrong, but might be another option worth looking into.