Legacy Whisper Steradian DSP

I know this is a very long shot, but want to see if anyone has the original Steradian DSP for the Legacy Whisper speaker in working condition for sale? My Steradian DSP has problems as it intermittently turns on and off at random; sometimes it would work for days and sometimes it won't turn on, I have to unplug the power for a few mins before it works again. The Whisper really sounds terrible without the DSP...
Thank you,

There is an intermediate solution,  the previous "Wavelet", a Xilica unit.
I believe the Steradian was made for Legacy by Coda. Start by asking Legacy if what I said is true. If so, see if Coda could repair it for you.
The new processor is really expensive!  I got the Whisper used and really can't afford to spend that much money on the new DSP, which is almost the same $ as what I paid for the speakers!  This is why I hope to get a used Steradian.  I really love the Whisper, best speakers I've ever owned; however, without the DSP, it sounds worst than $100 white-van pairs!
I suggest you speak with Legacy Audio and get a newer processor for the speakers.