Leaving my amplifier on ok?

Would it be ok to leave my amplifier on all the time if I want to extend the reliability of the amp? Many amplifiers ar Class A, high current bias and tubes might be a problem if energy consumption is a factor. Not to mention Excessive heat from bias operation. Is it possible to extend the life of the amp with leaving it on all the time?

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Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

Sorry, to clarify I meant:

Some Class D amps (IcePower especially) BENEFIT from being left on for 2 days or longer before listening,

In the old days caps were not nearly as reliable as they are now, so frequent on/off surge cycles were bad.

They are much better now and it's no longer worth keeping an amp on all day, due to the other aging factors.

Some Class D amps (IcePower especially) from being left on for 2 days or longer before listening, but thanks to the efficiency it's not nearly as taxing on your budget or the planet.

And no, no Class A amp should be left on continuously.