@kereru Thank you, this very informative! I can appreciate all the work you've done in regard to integrating best input on Harmony, and you have very nice equipment which gives much authority to your conclusions.
I only question the implementation of USB in the Harmony, both my Musetecs have more sophisticated usb, not saying the Harmony's bad. I've also bought into the theorizing that transport clocking much more important for R2R dacs vs other topologies, this https://dcs.community/t/dcs-ring-dac-a-technical-explanation/2724 Far too involved reading here for most, just talks about clocking and timing in ladder dacs. So theoretically, Harmony should sound best with highest quality external clock.
So, my next question is, are we playing on a level playing field here? Are the I2S and usb we are implementing to feed the Harmony of equal quality. I'd theorize your usb more greatly optimized vs the I2S you've implemented, same for the youtube video, usb in both those streamers superior to i2s. I could also say just the opposite for those reviews in which they found the Harmony to be superior with i2s vs usb. In any case I haven't explored optimizing i2s as I have usb, initial exploration has me reaching for Denafrips Gaia, and to keep things as equal as possible, AQ Diamond HDMI.
And I agree, the Harmony provides great sound quality with my optimized usb implementation, I too suspect Weng-Fai may be incorrect in coming to this conclusion, I've always found changes in usb chain affect sound quality, even in those dacs where usb not optimally implemented.
HQPlayer is whole other can of worms with me, I use Euphony OS on a custom build server, HQPlayer, Roon and this OS don't play well together.
I've also played f with various footers, stands over the years, I could go on and on. Final solution for me has been dacs and any equipment not too weighty are hung from custom built racks with extremely high test monofilament fish line. This how Harmony, Musetecs and signal chassis of my Coincident Statement pre situated. I like how this method simply lets the vibrations flow into fish line rather than damp them with various footers. I discovered this method many years ago with cdplayers. you could actually see the players move about in relation to cd's spinning, rather than damp that movement theorized sympathetic movement would result in best sound quality. This has proven to be true for me, all footers, stands, and the materials with which their built with impact the sound quality in many ways. Hanging components with fish line comes closest to no footer which means no impact on sound quality. Wish I could find some manner of magically levitating all my gear! For gear I can't hang for whatever reason I like Stillpoints on various platforms, platforms made from various thicknesses of steel, aluminum, various woods, I keep a stock of these to experiment with. And then beyond the platform, what the platform sits on, I could go on and on! Anyway sound like you much like me, we like to experiment, well worth it!