In all honesty, for what a pair of KG2s go for I would just buy another pair in good working order. Or consider trading up for a pair of KG4s - very under-rated speakers
Klipsch KG2 Speakers- Crossovers Needed- Where to Purchase?
I recently inherited a pair of Klipsch KG2 speakers, both were apparently working some time ago, I have tried to run them with a reliable amp and it appears that one of them is sounding muffled, a friend suggested I replace the crossover. Does anyone know a reliable source for new/used/refurbished crossovers for these older speakers? Might there be a new option worth considering for both speakers. They are in great shape and I understand that these would be great for a smaller room, they are noted as "bookshelf" speakers but I'd need a really big bookshelf, wanting to use them as stand alone. All info welcome and thanks in advance.
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