Kirmuss Cleaning System Discuss?

Looking at the Kirmuss system and their process is explained in detail and the concepts are a bit more detailed than other discussions. 

Yeah the presenter in a lab coat brings back memories of Matthew Polk. But aside from that the process appears to have merits.


Any thoughts or observations?


Showing 1 response by lewm

Mijo, Your hubris in unabashedly recommending whatever it is you have already decided upon as the only and best choice for everything is so bald-faced that I find it inoffensive and sometimes even charming. You got wherever you are by thinking and experiencing your way to it, so that’s fine. In this case, I actually am in the same boat. I watched Mr Kirmuss clean an LP at the CAF some few years ago. I am sure it works wonders, but I knew in advance I would rarely if ever use it because of the time needed per LP. As a biologist with experience using detergents of both major types in a laboratory to solubilize cellular organelles, I was also a bit concerned about the white stuff that shows up after step 1.  Mr Kirmuss assures us that this is evidence of the grundge that needs to be removed, but I wondered whether the cleaning solution itself plays a role in its generation. (I also emphatically agree with Mijo that you’d want uncontaminated cleaning solution, fresh for each LP or at least every few LPs.) I use a VPI HW17, which does everything that the Clearaudio does but slower and more manually and probably more noisily, but also more inexpensively. I keep the HW17 in my basement workshop, and if I find an LP that I am about to play is obviously in need of a wash, I put it aside until I have a bunch of them that need cleaning. Then I take a small stack to my workshop for a cleaning session.