Kirmuss Cleaning System Discuss?

Looking at the Kirmuss system and their process is explained in detail and the concepts are a bit more detailed than other discussions. 

Yeah the presenter in a lab coat brings back memories of Matthew Polk. But aside from that the process appears to have merits.


Any thoughts or observations?


Showing 1 response by bdp24

^ Exactly ditto. Except that I have added a DIY ultrasonic to my HW-17, using the latter to dry the LP after cleaning in the former. For really dirty used LP’s I pre-clean in the kitchen sink (well, above the sink) using the info in the Neil Antin "book". Any ol’ record cleaning brush (or even the paint brush pads used for doing edges), and Liquinox (by Alconox) as a detergent for removing very heavy, dried on schmutz (love that word ;-), the LP held by one of those record "handle" devices available on ebay for peanuts. Then a thorough rinse using tap water (the horror!), and into the ultrasonic tank filled with distilled water. Dry with the HW-17, then hit with the Furutech DeStat III, a fantastic anti-static device.

If an LP needs scrubbing, I put a loose cork platter mat on top of the one attached to the HW-17’s platter (for the dirty side), removing it after cleaning the top side (with a hand held brush; the attached one in the VPI is used only to dispense distilled water) and flip over the LP. The HW-17 is also handy for a quick dusting (it takes only a minute to do both LP sides); hand held brushes just don’t work in my experience (my first was the Cecil E. Watts Preener, my second the Discwasher), but if you must use one get yourself a DeStat III (to neutralize the inevitable static charge left behind), far better than the Zerostat.

Kirmuss? Life is too short!