KEF LS60 with a pair of KC62s v Blade 2

Has anyone compared LS60s augmented by a pair of KC62 subs with Blade 2s?   The DSP KEF provides for the LS60 integrates the subs with the speakers,


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Showing 1 response by p05129

I just listened to all the Kef’s mentioned here. The LS50 Wii sounded ok before you turned up the volume then things got really distorted, even with the different settings on the kc62 sub. Maybe a higher crossover point would have taken some of the burden away from the midrange.

Blade 2 was pretty good. For $28k, I would go with other brands for the same price or cheaper. 

The ls60’s are baby blades, The midrange is quite a bit smaller than the ls50 Wii but the ls60 had so much better definition, no breakup when turned up louder. For $7k, they are a good deal for the sound quality you get.