Keeping up on new releases, reissues, etc.

What are your favorite sources (print or online) for keeping up on what's coming up, what's coming out, what's about to be reissued? There was a time, though it feels like quite a long time ago now, when I used to be quite aware of what was what, at least in the area one might generally call rock n' roll. These days, though, I'll learn about an album by an artist I actually like that's been out for a year or something without my ever even knowing about it at all.
Thanks, folks.
-- Howard
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This works very well for me.
Could always just go the band / artists website and from there they usually have updates of what is going on or coming up....and from there you can sign up for their news-letter.
As a subscriber to Q magazine for coming up to 20 years this has been my point of reference for new and re-issued music for as long as I can remember. I fully accept it doesn't cover all genres but it has heavily influenced the types of music that I listen too. Just this past year I have, on the recommendations of Q purchased music by artists such as The Decemberists, Ryan Bingham, Justin Townes Earle and Ray LaMontagne. My music Bible for sure.
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I get a lot of leads from Uncut, Mojo and The Word (UK) magazines. They all have sampler CDs each month. I find Uncut jibes well with tastes, which is nice.
I disagree on new releases never being used stuff. Tons of people buy brand new cds, rip them and immediately bring them back to the shop to sell for store credit. I see used copies of the current week's new releases all the time. Pitchfork,com for newer stuff & for re-releases.
It all depends on what type of music you listen to. I subscribe to Relix. Relix includes a cd with each issue. This is a great source for new music. has a forward calendar for all genres. Home Grown music network is an online source for reggae,bluegrass, and jamband type music. Generally, radio is a wasteland. I live in Atlanta and years ago J. b. Fuqua endowed the radio station at Ga. St.- WRAS. This college station is just as powerful as the commercial stations in the area and has always been at the forefront of new music. "Listmania" on amazon can be a fun referal source as well.
Pandora Radio is a source for new music, although a slow one. You can tailor the music you hear by clicking on like or dislike buttons as a tune plays. Over time you will hear artists you haven't heard before whose music is similar to music you already like.
I used to listen to WXPN out of Phila all the time. Enjoyed that station a lot. It was a great way to hear good music and get ideas for stuff to buy. Since moving to Central PA, I'm clueless about the current "happenin' scene" (but maybe better off that way). Thank goodness for Pandora. That's my current means for finding music I like (new or otherwise). Pandora + recommendations from Audiogon members here works for me. Interested to check out the other sources listed.
I love buying from goodwill or the like for 2 bucks.
I've bought hundreds, but you have to be patient.
Found al stewart year of the cat mfsl for $2.
It seems to be a bigger thrill when you find deals cheap.
+1 on Goodwill finds. Our Goodwill cost $3.09 per cd.
I have found some great cd's there though.