Judy Collins, Living

Hello Friends,

I’m a fan of Judy Collins, have been for many decades, seen/heard her multiple times in multiple cities and venues, and always came away impressed.

She released a new record just last week (I have it here, have not yet played it).

For unknown reasons I woke this morning with her (and Stacy Keach’s) song Easy Times running through my mind. This has always been a favorite of mine.

So, I searched thru my CDs for the disc on which this song appears, its a live one called Living, made in 1971; I have it as an old-fashioned CD, one with the AAD box on it.

Well I have it playing in the main system here and its so great, the entire album, great great songs, great players (including Ry Cooder), and a terrific recording. I’m playing it with a Luxman D-10X player, into a Constellation Audio integrated, finally out to the outstanding Perlisten S7t speakers. I think this would sound magnificent on nearly any system.

If you like her this is one not to miss. In my view, of course.


The speakers look nice. The pattern of the drivers looks like drivers in Rockport speakers. I'll check out that disc. Thanks.

Living, made in 1971; I have it as an old-fashioned CD, one with the AAD box on it.

I'm guessing in 1971 it wasn't a CD, LOL. Thanks for the tip, I'll buy a CD if it's available. All my Judy Collins is on LP...but I bought that back in the day...