Judy Collins, Living

Hello Friends,

I’m a fan of Judy Collins, have been for many decades, seen/heard her multiple times in multiple cities and venues, and always came away impressed.

She released a new record just last week (I have it here, have not yet played it).

For unknown reasons I woke this morning with her (and Stacy Keach’s) song Easy Times running through my mind. This has always been a favorite of mine.

So, I searched thru my CDs for the disc on which this song appears, its a live one called Living, made in 1971; I have it as an old-fashioned CD, one with the AAD box on it.

Well I have it playing in the main system here and its so great, the entire album, great great songs, great players (including Ry Cooder), and a terrific recording. I’m playing it with a Luxman D-10X player, into a Constellation Audio integrated, finally out to the outstanding Perlisten S7t speakers. I think this would sound magnificent on nearly any system.

If you like her this is one not to miss. In my view, of course.


Showing 1 response by russ69

Living, made in 1971; I have it as an old-fashioned CD, one with the AAD box on it.

I'm guessing in 1971 it wasn't a CD, LOL. Thanks for the tip, I'll buy a CD if it's available. All my Judy Collins is on LP...but I bought that back in the day...