Another review of the Jena Labs cables is in the January 2006 issue of Positive Feedback Online:
Another review of the Jena Labs cables is in the January 2006 issue of Positive Feedback Online: . |
Im a big fan of Jennifers cables. Ive compared them against a lot of different things, and theyre still in my system. As with anything, there are many different flavors of componentry and cables, and its crucial to match the right flavors. Personally, I dont find Jenas warm or sweet, just very, very neutral and able to bring out the natural warmth and believabilty in every recording. Thats why I own them. Their top end is sometimes criticized as a little soft, but I hear it as the complete absence of the HF hash and noise that plagues almost every other cable Ive ever heard. The best thing for you to do is get a loaner pair and try them for yourself. Im sure Jennifer will accommodate you. System synergy will likely determine the outcome. |
I'll take a shot at this, there is no true better or worse, only different. I've owned Jena Labs Symphony and Valkyre cables and found them to be very good with the right components. They tend to lean toward the warm/sweet side of neutral, if this is what you are looking for. They will sound great with components that lean toward the transparent/lean side. FWIW, I no longer own them, as my components are a tad warm, and I want more speed/transparency out of my cables. Not Nordost speed though, as I've also owned the Valhalla and it was too thin for my system, though I'm sure it would work well in others. It's really all a matter of system balancing. If your system sounds a bit bright/thin/lean side, I would highly recommend Jennifer Whitewolf Crock's cables. Cheers, John |