Jay's "Ugly Truth" video


Why does this get mentioned so rarely? 

I've experienced the "dark side" and have never had the means to afford gear that's remotely close to the level that Jay focuses on. 

What about you -- can you relate or have you always been able to maintain a healthy balance and avoid being overtaken by obsession? 


Showing 1 response by emergingsoul

Who is this guy Jay?? What is the purpose of what he does?

Is he selling gear? Is he receiving payments from manufacturers? Is he doing it out of the goodness of his heart? 

He cranks out videos almost every day. He showcases very very expensive equipment and it's pretty. But I learn absolutely nothing watching these videos from him. He meanders around all over the place complaining about everything. Teasing his viewers with new product unveilings.  It's compelling.

It's clear he really doesn't understand all the stuff he buys otherwise he'd be sharing that with the people watching his channel. I think people hope he's gonna share something of value and then most often disappointed.

What is it all end for jay? It's a curious situation. Will he fade into the sunset?