IsoAcoustics Gaia feet on Oracle Delphi turntable

Has anyone tried the Gaia feet on an Oracle Delphi turntable


what @cleeds said... the delphi is designed to have its wonderful floating suspension do the job... it takes some skill and experience to get it set up right, orient the weight underneath properly and so on ... 

I've been content with the Gaias under my VSA Try SE speakers, however I've likewise been quite a while devotee of Max Townshend's items. I was simply perusing the TAS survey of the Seismic Disengagement Platform for speakers and contemplated whether anybody got an opportunity to attempt these and the Gaias under their speakers. Thinking about how these could look at.




snaptube vidmate

If you tap on the support under your turntable and hear do not hear resonance (sound through your speakers) the built-in suspension of your turntable mfg is sufficient.

I put my amps on Isocoustics aperta 200 supports and the sound changed noticeably.

A few years ago I had a Pro-Ject 9 and got a fair amount of resonance on the support I had it on. I could tap on the support and clearly hear my taps through my speakers. This was a 3K turntable. It sounded great, but the fact that the turntable was not engineered to absorb it’s own vibration was troubling. Swapped out for a Rega P6 and put it on the same shelf and there was zero resonance. Note that the difference between the two turntables is vast. One is designed to alleviate vibrations through weight, while the other is designed to alleviate vibrations via it's slightness. 

I had a Delphi III years ago. The secret to getting the best from it was optimizing its finely tuned suspension. I don't think adding suspension to the turntable is likely to offer benefit and is more likely to hurt its performance.