IsoAcoustics GAIA

I have IsoAcoustics GAIA II isolators installed on my Sonus faber Liuto floorstander speakers on hardwood floor. I expected some improvement and I got it. Bass is cleaned up and tightened. Stage became more clear because isolators removed a curtain made by unfocused, scattered bass. Floor and sofa vibrations almost disappeared completely. And... WAF is good. GAIAs passed my wife's inspection. Is there anybody with some experience regarding those isolators?


My system is in an upstairs room that has suspended wood floors. I used the GAIA isolators under my 99lb speakers and noticed a definite improvement, especially a tighter bass and improved imaging and soundstage. Later, I got even more improvements by replacing them with Townshend platforms. I now have the Gaia's under my Maplewood amp stands.

Same here. Gaias work with Legacy too. Tighter bass in a bass-forward speaker is more than welcome.

@baylinor : "Isolation is key, not coupling." As I understand it, the choice here has to do with the type of floor you have. If it's suspended wood, the floor becomes an uncontrolled resonator. It that case, you want to isolate the speakers' vibrations from entering the floor. If, however, you have a concrete slab floor, spikes are a better idea in order to keep the speaker enclosure from moving at all. Ideally, one wants the speaker cones only to move. But every action produces a reaction, so motion of the cones will be communicated to the cabinet, which then moves in the opposite direction, the result of which will be a slightly muddied sound on transients.

@fpomposo : I also have found sorbothane superior to GAIAs. I tried GAIAs, borrowed from a friend. Got some of the improvements others describe here, but so expensive. Then I found a company that sells various sizes and densities of sorbothane on eBay. Got round feet with threads that screw into the speaker's spike receptacles. All the improvements the GAIA made, and more: tighter and better defined bass, deeper and wider soundstage, better separation between instruments—in general, a clearer, more transparent presentation. Now, however, the tall speakers wobble a bit at the touch, as if they were on Townshend platforms. 


I strongly disagree with your assumption. Isolation is better than coupling regardless of the floor material. My experience tells me that in spades. My house of stereo is built purely for listening to music and features a concrete floor and foundation 4" thick with crisscross rebars every square foot. So solid it is. Yet isolating the speakers is far superior for sound than coupling to floor with spikes.

And soborthane is in no way superior to Gaias. And I used to strictly go with soborthane to isolate. I guess we do not have anywhere the same experiences. Whatever works for you...