

Responses from snilf

soft dome versus hard dome tweeters
Agree with what @knotscott has posted here. I have some possibly unique additional input. My favorite speakers are Scientific Fidelity Teslas (I also own Von Schweikert, PSB, Maggneplanar, and B&W, and I’ve heard several others in my listenin... 
What does your Virtual System page say about you? 
Very surprised by these responses. I'd have thought that audiophiles were compulsive perfectionists who never do anything with their systems that they can't justify with elaborate arguments.  For me, I list components in order of their importance... 
“A complete unknown”
Saw it yesterday and liked it much more than I'd expected to. Chalamet is amazing; he somehow manages to imitate not only Dylan's singing voice and guitar/harmonica playing (he had to learn all of that; he'd contracted to do the movie before the p... 
Which sounds better 2 way or 3 way speaker design
To say, as the OP does, that "a 3 way design will give the listener a much better chance to hear the full audio spectrum as opposed to a 2 way design" is like saying a car with five speeds must go faster than one with only four. It reflects no und... 
Which sounds better 2 way or 3 way speaker design
Agree with @yogiboy, @bache, et al. The question is ill-posed. It's not as if you get a better result if you buy a speaker with more drivers in it! There are always compromises, and crossovers are one such compromise that gets multiplied with addi... 
What Speaker Cables Taught Me About Audiophiles
Erik, Thank you for this. It's a fine example of...well, of one of the very many manifestations of subjective bias in our common obsession. Yesterday, I spent a few hours with a friend's superlative system. He has written many reviews and other ... 
??? What Is The MOST Expensive System You Ever Heard ??? What Was Your Opinion ???
Our local audio club has some very well-heeled members. One of them built what is essentially a whole house for his system: about 1,000 sq ft, Craftsman wood paneled, designed in consultation with an acoustician. Then he installed about $850K wort... 
analyzing sound
I'm surprised there are not a lot of responses to this perfectly reasonable posting. As it happens, there are "annotated playlists" (and CDs) that are specifically designed to demonstrate various audiophile virtues. Consider, for example, Chesky's... 
Physically Comfortable Headphones
Here’s a third recommendation for HiFiMan’s big head designs—in my case, the HE 1000. They LOOK massive and awkward, but they’re exquisitely comfortable, very open-sounding (and sound-permeable: others can hear you, and you will hear ambient sound... 
New Speakers under consideration - but I’m afraid
Fear...surprise...and an almost fanatical devotion to B&W. No surprise, actually. There’s a reason (or many reasons) that B&W have been the standard monitors for DGG and a host of other premiere recording labels for decades. The 801s are ... 
IsoAcoustics GAIA
@baylinor : "Isolation is key, not coupling." As I understand it, the choice here has to do with the type of floor you have. If it's suspended wood, the floor becomes an uncontrolled resonator. It that case, you want to isolate the speakers' vibra... 
YouTube Indicates What the Future is For Audiophiles - Interesting Demographics.
Interesting post, even if not all that new. The Youtube stats are interesting; I haven't seen quite such dramatic "empirical evidence" of these trends before. But, FWIW, my experience doesn't quite correspond. For one thing, I'm a university prof... 
Music reproduction is art
"The essence of art is the creative production of something. Ipso facto, reproduction is not art." (@yoyoyaya). But a recording IS "the creative production of something." You need to consider Eisenberg's argument, cited above. A recording is not m... 
Music reproduction is art
Check out Evan Eisenberg's book The Recording Angel (much admired by John Atkinson of Stereophile, among others). Eisenberg's thesis is that the recording engineer or producer is very much an artist, and the recording is indeed a work of art. A sa... 
The Rapid Rise (& Fall) of the CD
Reasons to keep physical media (from the Stereophile piece just posted): 1. Control. Streaming services may not exist forever. The financial health of even Qobuz and Tidal "is largely unknown."  2. Control. Streaming services often don't provide...