$30k table, $15k arm, $25k phono stage
Agree with others - it’s a mistake to think like this. For example, the top-range Koetsu cartridges match brilliantly to Fidelity Research arms that can be found quite easily under $2K (used). There are other affordable arms they’ll sound great with too. You actually DON’T want to put them on a modern high-end straight, low mass, highly damped arm. That's not their sonic partner. It will sound dull and boring.
$25k phono is gratuitous. Go for it, if you can and have the desire. But much more moderate stages can do wonderfully. The match of MC cartridge to MC stage is crucial (especially as lo-MC’s have lower output levels), but it’s not necessary to shovel anywhere near that much money in.
Same with the table. You can have well less than $10K total in arm, cartridge, phono - and still get the "full Koetsu" experience out of whatever stone you put on it.
Someone else said you can sometimes be pleasantly surprised by placing a very high-end component into a more modest system, and vice versa: placing a very budget component into a very high-end system. I’ve certainly found that can be true, in both cases.