Is There Some Problem With Shunyata's Everest Power Conditioner

I have been looking for a Shunyata power conditioner, and was thinking of going all the way and picking up an Everest, which is not only stupidly expensive but is the predictable darling of all reviewers, who gush about how wonderful this product is.  However, there are currently SIX Everests for sale on US Audiomart.  For a transformative and expensive product with seemingly universal acclaim, the fact that there six Everests for sale at the same time makes me wonder if maybe it is not so amazing and transformative and people are having buyer's remorse after picking one up.  Comments or insight?


Friend had one and he was underwhelmed. Sold it not sure what he got but will check with him and get back to this thread.

I don't have one but I have had a Denali for a few years and it cleaned up the sound noticeably but not to jaw dropping level.  They are a very simple device.  I don't know how they work, but if you're looking for something that runs the electricity through chokes, power supplies, etc., etc., the Everest is probably not it.

@tomcy6, I have been looking for a Denali v2 which is substantially less expensive than the Everest.  Neither the Denali nor the Everest use chokes, and all of that. They both appear to have some real technology, not mumbo jumbo.  Whether that tech works or not is a different story.  Probably comes down to how resolving the system is I suppose.  This seems like something that one should demo if at all possible.  Would you say that your Denali was worth the cost?