Is there anything other than a Benchmark DAC?

I own the Benchmark DAC3 and love it.  I am looking for another DAC due to the addition of a  second system. It will either go with a Boulder/Audio Research/(B&W or Vandersteen) system or a McIntosh/Bryston/(B&W or Vandersteen) system. I am looking to try to get something under 3k (maybe 4k) used. I've been looking for a month or so and have seen Bryston (DAC3 wanna be), Primaluna (too much distortion) and a bunch of really old stuff.  I have yet to justify any purchase when a DAC3 is sitting there new around 2k with those untouchable distortion numbers. I would love to try a tube DAC tho another solid state DAC would be fine. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Given my DAC3 bias I would love to hear from  those whose bias differs from mine.

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I think for the most part I want to find something with a different sound. 

That doesn’t narrow it down or help much.  Here’s a Denafrips Terminator 2 in your price range…

Thx all. looks like quite a few good choices. I am going to enjoy looking in to all of them. I will let you know what I pick and what I think of it after some listening.

I think, with your budget, you can get a very good DAC, try the Musetec DA-005.

I have a Benchmark DAC3B. It is a bit too hot on top if you have a very neutral system. However, with a slightly warmer system it is very good. The soundstage is not the biggest but that is a first world problem for me. I will be keeping the DAC long term (already 5 years) and will use it with my RAAL VM-1a tube headphone amp. The 2 negative issues I mentioned are not a problem with the VM-1a.

For my 2-channel systems, the office and Livingroom. One is slightly bright and the other is slightly warm. I went with the Schitt Yggi+ Less Is More on the brighter system. On the warmer system I went with the very last Schitt Yggi+ OG (now replaced with the More Is Better). These 2 DACs are better than the DAC3B. The OG is similar sonically to the DAC3B but does not suffer from the 2 issues I did not like about the DAC3B.

The LIM replaced a $15k DAC for me and I think the LIM is better.I also owned the Musetec 005 and it is similar to the LIM. I like the LIM a bit more since it is not as warm as the 005.



Good suggestions here. Definitely try something else, specs do not tell the whole story.