Is OPPO worth the inflated price?

I've had my eye on the now discontinued OPPO UDP-205 for some time (more for playing my CD's than for video)  but am discouraged that units which last sold retail for $1299 are now asking $3500. Is this worth it and if so who are the buyers? Would appreciate the group's input. . 

Showing 1 response by ajant

Oppo Repair Service NYC/Long Island?

When it became clear that decoder boards were unavailable to repair my Cambridge 650BD player I purchased a used Oppo 95. The ad said it works fine and should arrive next week. I got the 95 because I presently need analog video connectivity until upgrading to OLED TV or better (otherwise I'd have jumped on the 105 and its neat headphone amp for monitoring movie sound quality). Oppo Support has no phone but said via email that they still service all Oppo BD players. Presumably therefore all of the most failure prone parts are still available.


But when repairs are needed rather than shipping to Menlo Park might there be authorized Oppo or otherwise highly experienced service companies in the New York metro area or Long Island? Ideally, they will also be knowledgeable and aggressive enough to quickly troubleshoot circuit faults to the (non-proprietary) component circuit level-which CA's outsourced factory service was apparently unwilling or unable to do with the now discontinued decoder boards they said killed my player.

And thanks to Panurgy and Cambridge I also ended up initially wasting very serious money on a new transport mechanism which obviously didn't need replacing on this brick.,1

Of course, I'll ship the 95 to Oppo if that's clearly the best move though it’s nice to have more local but very reliable options.

And please share any feedback and experience about Oppo US Service Support.