Is it easier to sell mono blocks or stereo amp on the used market?

I will be buying a new 2 channel McIntosh system soon and I am trying to decide between a 2 mono block amps or a single stereo amp. Curious... if I decided to sell down the road is it easier to sell mono blocks or a single stereo amp on the used market? Was not sure which is more in demand. 


Amps and speakers in my experience are the hardest two things to resell. I have two of them in my current main system. OP, to your question though; I agree with the previous posters above that stereo amps are generally easier to resell. Because you're looking to buy Mac gear you really want to focus on responses from Mac only guys. The answers may be different from them. Good luck!

Both are popular in this hobby. It totally depends on the model in question. 

Rogue Audio claims they broke up the Zeus 225 lbs stereo tube monster into Apollo monoblocks because of the logistics of moving the damn thing. When you have a single chassis weighing beyond 100 lbs, it gets pretty difficult without hiring help - especially secondary market sales w/ shipping. Monoblocks help break that up, though then you're paying for shipping 2x boxes, 2x power cords, 2x amp stands...

I think that you'll find that the price point not the form factor will be the determining factor.

Yup mono's more difficult to sell but please get what floats your boat. If we set up our systems looking for future resale values, then without a crystal ball it's likely moot anyway.

Also (Duhh) mono's need a pre that also may require selling. Then there's more power cords, shelf space, tubes and at lease twice a year dusting. It's exhausting to contemplate.