Is a CJPV10A and a Sonographe SA250 a good match?

I am very interested in picking up a CJPV10A, but am unsure of a good Amp to mate with it. I have a few friends with CJ stuff and I like the sound, but am still looking a bit more before purchasing anything. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I listen to a lot of serious electronic music and want to make sure I get the most from my pieces. I'm not an audiophile, but I love my music and will someday have the dough to go high-end. Right now I have a Rega P2 with Boston Acoustics VR965's. Thanks for any info supplied.

I'm running a CJ Sonographe SA 400 with a PV 10A.
My speakers are Vienna Acoustics Bachs. A Njoe Tjoeb
4000 rounds things out. Overall I have been very
pleased with the combo. The 400 has plenty of
power without sounding harsh or thin. If you can
find a SA 400 it would be worth your consideration.

Good luck
I'm using PV10AL with SA-400 for five yrs now and recenly changed speakers from Sonus Faber Concerto Grand Piano to JMLab MIcro Utopia and found a new life in system. The sound is musicaly satisfied and balanced with a golden tube glow and muscular bass delivery.
A friend of mine who own a system worth 4 times of mine is constantly amazed of rightness of my system.

I must add that I've modified preamp with DACT pot which put it in a league of PV14. I'm also using Golden Dragon gold pin tubes.

In this period I've listened to several amps in my system but always returned to PV10AL and SA400.
I used a PV10BL and a Sonographe SA400 with Triangle Celius and I thought it was just great. I'm all tube now but I would have no trouble using my previous system for the rest of my life.

Here is a quote from an e-mail that I got from Knut at Conrad Johnson as I was trying to figure out what amp to purchase about 9 months ago. ""If you use for example a PV10B or PV14L together with the SA250, then the result is that you will hear more detail overall, and the sound will be truer overall. These two preamplifiers, PV10B &PV14L are really appropriate for this amp, and make the SA250 sound even better.""
I do agree with the other replies that CJ MF line of amps will sound better than the Sonograph for not much more $$$.
I anded up bying a MV-55 after all.
Keep us posted to what you decide on doing.
cheers, Shahen
I second Sugarbries suggestion or if you can afford it a 2250 or better yet the 2250A.

Consider the CJ MF2100 amplifier. Excellent match and about the same price used ($500 to $600). This combo (with the PV-10) was my system for over 2 years during the mid 90's.

I did own a SA250 before the MF2100, so I know from personal experience the difference was worth it for me.