Is a CJPV10A and a Sonographe SA250 a good match?

I am very interested in picking up a CJPV10A, but am unsure of a good Amp to mate with it. I have a few friends with CJ stuff and I like the sound, but am still looking a bit more before purchasing anything. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I listen to a lot of serious electronic music and want to make sure I get the most from my pieces. I'm not an audiophile, but I love my music and will someday have the dough to go high-end. Right now I have a Rega P2 with Boston Acoustics VR965's. Thanks for any info supplied.

Showing 1 response by sugarbrie

Consider the CJ MF2100 amplifier. Excellent match and about the same price used ($500 to $600). This combo (with the PV-10) was my system for over 2 years during the mid 90's.

I did own a SA250 before the MF2100, so I know from personal experience the difference was worth it for me.