iPAD to DAC?

I would like to try using my later day iPad as a digital streaming source for a PS Audio Direct Stream DAC. I understand there is an Apple supplied cable that comes with the camera kit, but later day posts indicate it does not work with the latest iOS's. There was also a Cambridge docking station with Coax and Optical out, but that is no longer available.

Has anyone had success with this, lately?


Ag insider logo xs@2xduddley
I also use my iPad Air 2 with apple camera kit adapter using
a Pangea Premier SE USB cable and also a ifi Audio iSilencer 
plugged in my PS Audio DACIII, sounds great.
CincyJim Cincy, OH
I’m using the camera kit adaptor with my iPad Pro running the latest iOS beta.  Works fine outputting via USB to a Mytek Brooklyn DAC
Here you go ....Just follow this

insertion of an external DAC and playing through a hi-Rez capable app like ONKYO HF PLAYER app on your iPad, makes a huge difference


I just set up an ipad to centrance dac for my wife using the lightning to usb 3 adapter. Sounds decent and keeps the ipad charged.