Intona filter shortest USB connection

I just acquired an Intona filter for my USB line.  I want to test connect it from an Innuous Zenith Mk III server to a Lampizator DAC.  My setup already has an ENO ethernet filter connected at the Zen LAN input.  I have a Callisto 1.5m USB cable that is plenty long, so I have no interest in adding any length to the line.  Can anyone recommend a small, solid-quality USB cable or connector that could go from the music server USB output to the Intona filter in the shortest, most efficient way? And is this possibly overkill or even detrimental?  There's no sense in adding yet another filtration to the line signal if isn't needed. Welcome any thoughts!




I respectfully disagree: addressing ethernet based noise incursions and using a galvanic isolator on USB will do nothing but improve sound quality. As you know, InnuOS sells a separate Phoenix Ethernet for this purpose: why you‘d have to buy two LPSs and clocks for similar ends though remains InnuOS‘ secret.🤫 

I just acquired an Intona filter for my USB line.

My setup already has an ENO ethernet filter connected at the Zen LAN input.  

 And is this possibly overkill or even detrimental?


You seem to be adding quite a bit of filtering to your system. Perhaps you should try listening to see if they add/detract from the sound? Mind you, I own the Innuos Phoenix USB, so I know that these add-ons can improve sound quality, but stacking them might be asking for trouble.



Yup..see above...but according to Tim Connor at Kitsuni Hifi the premium is what he suggest for audio.  The reference improvement is very small.  

Get a 30cm Intona Reference cable: you won‘t find better, actually better, get 2 of those