Internet cable

We are building a new cottage. I dedicated 2 x 20A circuit for the audio system, will put all motors, dimmers, LED lights on one leg of the panel. The other leg will have only stereo and regular plug. I would like to know what Internet cable to use from the entry point of the cottage(cable box) to my audio system. Any suggestion is appreciated. Thank you, have a great week-end.

6 or 6a.  Check the maximum lengths.

TBH, 1GigE is plenty. 

You might also want to consider shielded, but Ethernet is so resistant to noise compared to your average signal cable this is usually not needed, and requires the matching router.

Alternatively, run fiber for the main reason that it's completely immune to lightning and electrical noise.
Sorry for the late response I was away for the weekend.
Thanks Erik I will use CAT 6a. I have fiber coming to the cottage.

CZARIVEY what is a dedicated internet signal for audio. Is it another hard line?
Thank you.Robert
Supra lan cables are an incredible value.  Just bought 30m for less than $300 at madisound.  I a/b tested it with $1000 jcat lan cable and preferred the Supra.