Interconnects for MHDT Orchid

I am buying an MHDT Orchid and need some advice about RCA interconnects between the Orchid and a Hegel Integrated amp.  Speaker wires are Acoustic Zen Satori, speakers are Joseph Audio Rm25XL. Any suggestions about a good basic cable? Any Orchid users, what do you use?


@jjss49 i would go with a fairly transparent, lively cable, rather than one that smooths... the orchid already does that somewhat...


+1 to what jjss49 said. The other reason is you can fine tune from here with tubes in the Orchid, various to try that are bright, neutral, smooth. 

What are you using currently?  I use Satori shotgun biwires and am very familiar with the RM25 sound, but if I’m you I plug the Orchid in and see what direction in sound u wanna go from there.  Again, let us know what interconnects you’re currently using and communicate what you’re looking for.  It may be that your current interconnects are a great fit, but no way to know without your feedback and goals. 

I have been using an old TADAC DAC which had balanced outputs. So I had been using Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II balanced cables. So, with the Orchid I need to switch to RCA cables. I know they make an adapter (balanced to RCA) but I read some negative things about them. With regard to what I am looking for, better soundstage and softening of high frequency treble/less high frequency brightness. 

I'm using Audience Ohno RCA cables with my MHDT Orchid DAC. The sound is smooth and balanced.

I’d highly suggest waiting until you have the Orchid burned in and see which direction you want to go from there. My guess, the Orchid is a little on the warmer side so you might wanna consider the AZ Silver Ref l or lls. They’re naturally detailed but with good tonality and huge soundstage. But again, there’s no way to gauge this without you hearing the synergy with your current electronics and cables.