Integrated Tube Amp approx. $2,500

I'm looking for suggestions on integrated tube amps in the $2,500 range, give or take a few hundred. My speakers are Klipsch Cornwall IVs with a Musician Pegasus II dac. I found the Black Ice Fusion F22 V.2 which looks interesting, but not a lot else in my price range. Thanks.


I can second newfxz ‘s suggestion on the Muzishare X7. I owned one for a short time, and only sold it to move to a dedicated power amp. Great build quality and it’s  point to point wired which should offer better reliability and ease of repair by most competent shops if something does go wrong. I’m pretty sure these are built in the Line Magnetic factory.

The Wilsentons get a lot of great reviews, but I don’t have any direct experience with them. Well under your budget.

With those Cornwalls look at Decware, a nice range of tube amps with great sound.  Long wait to get new but on the used market they pop up regularly

The Willsenton R8 with tube upgrade would fit within your budget. Ordered via Amazon, you would have their return policy benefit. That amp will deliver 45W per channel at 8R, and the performance is very good. You might be able to find a used Prima Luna in your price range with a little looking around. Other options might be a used Audio Research i/50 or Margules i240, both of which would be excellent choices but would cost you another $1500 or so.


Another vote for the Muzishare X7. I have had mine about a year...was blown away and didnt expect the sound I received. Rolled a few tubes...even better. The never satisfied person that I am....I wanted I found a local tech that does mostly mac's and highend tube repairs..asked about doing a cap upgrade ....which he did...upon opening up...he was very impressed with the build quality.