Integrated amp for my Dynaudio Contour 30s!

Hello all...
have been extensively researching for the final upgrade for my Dynaudio Contour 30s. I tried to push these with my $1k Yamaha S801 Amp, which sounds it has completely missed the bass.
 I have a budget of $3~4K(used price).  I listen to everything from classical to techno.  I am weird like that :)
After reading endlessly, some of the finalists are from #1 choice down:

Anthem STR Integrated(I love the cosmetics, especially high tech display)
Hegel H190(I read numerous great reviews)
Simaudio Moon 600i(Probably out of my range, but reviews are outstanding!)
Simaudio 340i X(200wpc at 4ohm)
Krell Vanguard

Any inputs will be appreciated it!
Don’t forget Plinius.  Great synergy with Dynaudio.  The Hautonga ( one currently for sale relationship ) or an older 9200 if you can find one would work very well.  Good luck and keep us posted.
Pass & Gryphon have great synergy with Dynaudio too.

Try the INT 250 or Diablo 300 or 250
Well, it's above your budget, but if you can save up some more, at AXPONA last weekend I heard the Mark Levinson 585 integrated amp with Revel F228Be speakers.  It was such a simple system, compared to most of the systems there, but wow, the sound was incredible.

I've also heard and been interested in the new Anthem STR Integrated, which has great versatility, but after hearing the sound stage and imaging of the 585, I'm holding off so as to do a bit more research and listening.

Can you speak more about Plinius with the Contours and Plinius in general? I’ve heard great things. Do you know who sells Plinius in the U.S.? What about service? I’ve had a hard time finding a dealer.

Any thoughts/comments you might have would be appreciated.

I have a pair of Dynaudio Contour 3.0's and I drive them with a double balanced push-pull solid state amp with 350wpc. McIntosh a match made in heaven if you want them to sound musical.

Matt M
Hey nutty, thanks for the helping hand.  Sorry I’m late to your question puppyt.

Yes, they are hard to find these days.  Being a Plinius owner, that doesn’t make them not worth searching for.....especially with the right speakers.  Try New York Sound and Vision.  Thomas is great!  No vested interest just a happy customer.  On the west coast, Audio Waves.  Alan is a great guy as well.  Love my Plinius 9100 SE with my Tannoy's

I was about to sell mine a few months ago.  Glad I decided to be patient with it.  Power cords and cabling are real important with Plinius.  Even more so than with any other piece of gear I’ve owned.  Best and keep me posted.  Take care.
@puppyt....oh, and yes excellent synergy between Dyn and Plinius.  Search here and over at AA.  Lots of good stuff.  Take care.
Man, some of you audio nuts have serious tastes! Pass Labs? A little out of my range.
Started reading Plinius Hautonga reviews since that’s within reach. I heard Classe 2200i has some display issues somewhere.
I didn’t hear anything regarding Krell Vanguard or Anthem STR, all within my budget so far.  One big perspective I have is that I am not keen on buying much older equipment(doesn't matter how great the deal is).
There is a reason why manufacturers constantly bring out new stuff as time goes forward.  Technology usually gets better, not worse.  Therefore even high-end stuff, I believe in trickle down evolution.  Thus even audio equipment will get cheaper and better as we go forward.  Am I wrong?  Are there say 10-20-year-old stuff that is better than current stuff?
Thank you, everyone, for inputs!
How about something totally different and could be a end game component for you like it was for me.

Lyngdorf tdai-2170.

Best of luck in your search,
Oops didn’t mention that I don’t have Dyn speakers but do have Silverline Bolero Supremes that use all Dyn drivers,outstanding synergy with the 2170.IMO.

I used to have older Krell pre power with the previous generation Contour S3.4.

A little to bright up top for my liking. The current Krell's are better in this regard but do not have the same bass slam.

I would still recommend Pass or Gryphon over Krell.
New York Sound and Vision have a demo Hautonga listed on here right now for three and a quarter. 
the Anthem STR is excellent, especially, for Jazz, Pop and Rock genres.
Let me know and post here if you demo the Simaudio 600i.

Happy Listening!
Moon 600i is out of my range :)
I really was going for Plinius, but has no headphone jack!
Out of many great suggestions, my 3 finalists are:

Anthem STR
Naim Supernait 2
Simaudio 340i

I am surprised that nobody suggested Classe 2200i.

I finally went from separates to an integrated five years ago.  Speakers were and are Sonus Faber Cremona floorstanders.  Sources are LPs and LPs/CDs that I've ripped into FLAC and AIFF files.  I bought a used Hegel H200.  That model and the H300 do not have built in DACs which for me are just a way of obsoleting an integrated before its time.  I like the build and the sound.  Plenty of juice to drive the speakers, good tonal balance, excellent low level resolution and decent imaging.  If it's on the source, you will hear it.  Last month I bought a demo BAT VK3000SE.  It is above your budget but there is another used one listed on Audiogon.  Better than the H200?  The answer is yes in every respect.  Better value than the H200, slightly.  Worth looking at and it's made in Wilmington, DE so service is not an issue.
Thank You for the report on B.A.T. VK-3000SE - barolobrain
Happy Listening!
I have the Simaudio 340i powering my Dynaudio C1 Mk II's and to my ears there is superb synergy.  My direct point of comparison when shopping for an integrated was the Naim SuperNait 2 which I was able have side by side in my listening room for a week.  The Simaudio was the easy winner due to its much more natural soundstage presentation.  My listening is almost exclusively classical however and I suspect the Naim with its more forward "in your face" presentation may be preferred by those more into techno, pop and rock genres.
My personal preference of the ones you've listed is the Anthem STR Integrated. I own on of their integrated amps and it has been a delight to own. It simply does the job well, offering power on demand and the features that you need and want in an integrated amp. They are built rock solid and will last a lifetime.  

Here is a link for a brand new unit that can save you $300 off of the usual price and includes free shipping:
I’d go for the Anthem STR as well.  It offers true bass management in case you ever want to add subwoofers for extra oomph, plus Anthem Room Correction, and I’m convinced proper use of room correction is one of the best ways to improve the sound of any system.  

Anthem is also going to be offering 20% off on the STR Integrated starting May 1st with the trade in of any old receiver, amp, processor, or Pre-amp.  
My vote is for a Vincent SV-237MK. Purchased one recently and I am absolutely thrilled! Check it out.
AND, you could buy a new one. They're on sale. Best of luck.